Debug buttons etc.
Ok, we are after the wallet creation.
The "USE MNEMONIC PASSPHRASE" seems to get overwritten on the screen, need to check.
Buttons act abnormal on the mnemonic display screen, like only taking #6 as input. Or zero to dismiss out.
- Let's try display again:
Ok, now no display. Hmmm. Tap zero - nothing. Tap 11 - nothing. Tap 6 - nothing.Randomly mash everything - no response. Serial is a bit slow to disconnect. Won't reconnect.
ok, time to find where it is ending. Somewhere after the re-display of the mnemonic.
First let's see what's with this display overwrite.
Ach, one more thing -
If it's already been formatted, it seems to jump over this character.
Next it displays "CREATING WALLET..." then a 1 second delay... Now blank screen.
Ok, I think it's waiting on that "waitForNoButtonPress()" thing, let's comment it out and drop in a delay to see if it indeed flies through.
11 "yes" - nothing
0 "0" - it jumped to the ASKUSER_USE_MNEMONIC_PASSPHRASE, and displayed the screen.
Now waiting on a Y/N, let's do a Y (11)
Jumped to the "MINIMUM 4 CHARACTERS" screen, "PRESS/HOLD/RELEASE", then immediately jumped to "BACKUP MNEMONIC"
Could only escape the backup by choosing 5/6.
Ok, let's try again.
Before "Wallet Setup" but after serial "�4���� ———after initialFormatAuto-———"
Something weird happens. Hmmmm, there seems to be a weird control character spat onto the serial terminal when this "check" appears.
Wallet PIN ok....
Ok, "CREATING WALLET" + "Line 2566", then blanks and asks about mnemonic passphrase.
Hit "10" NO...."Min 4 chars" etc then "Line 2574"
Ok, the mnemonic displays ok, 1st and 2nd time...anticipating a "Line 2628"...Nope NOTHING. Not sure why it does not want to jump the PASSPHRASE but OK we will try YES next time.
Meanwhile it seems that the path dies in the newWallet routine.
Ok, let's see what value use_mnemonic_pass has
I answer "11" it says FALSE
I answer "10" it should be TRUE....nooooooo it's also FALSE
Mkay enough for today.